E3D V6 Hotend, E3D Titan Extruder Eprom and Repetier Help

Hello Everybody.
I really need some help with mine K8200. I have upgraded the Hotend for an original E3D V6 hotend, 1.75 mm is the new diameter for it. And with that idea I had also changed mine extruder to an E3D Titan. But now I struggle with the printing.
I have changed everything in the setting but there I see no hope or change, basic stuff like Hallow or full Cubes can be printed but shapes like this: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:15012 and this http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:33607 stops in the middle.

I have used the Simplify troubleshoot guide about it and what it said i done it for teh Grinding filament, Clogged extruder, and Stops in the middle of the print section but every time is still the same results… Nice F’d up prints in the middle.

I need somebody who can help me with the following. Could you send your Eeprom settings, or Repetier or Simplify3d settings to me. That would help me so much… Thank you for any advice.