DSO text file / time step

I have just started using the PCSU1000. I would like to export data to OpenOffice spreadsheets.

How do I determine the time step between adjacent data points in the output text file ?

At the beginning of the file you’ll see following text when time scale 5ms/div is selected:
125 = 5ms

The time between the adjacent data points is 5ms/125 = 0.04ms

On 0.02us/div range there is:
500 = 0.5us

The time between the adjacent data points in this case is: 0.5us/500=1ns

That is what I assumed, but it doesn’t agree with my 2Vpp 1KHz calibration signal.

How is the time calibrated?

The calibration signal is 1.05kHz.
It is intended for probe compensation adjustment.
The frequency is crystal based.