Dry Run settings

I haven’t found an answer to this on the forums so I have to ask. How does Dry Run actually work?

I loaded an stl file and prepared it with Slic3r. I clicked on Dry Run and waited, nothing happened. So I clicked on Run and the bed started heating up, and then the extruder and a print began.

I thought from other posts that Dry Run didn’t heat up the elements and did a run through the G-Code so your machine would go through the motions of making an object, but not extrude or heat up?

Am I misunderstanding what Dry Run is?

Thanks in advance.

[quote=“krononaut”]I haven’t found an answer to this on the forums so I have to ask. How does Dry Run actually work?

I loaded an stl file and prepared it with Slic3r. I clicked on Dry Run and waited, nothing happened. So I clicked on Run and the bed started heating up, and then the extruder and a print began.

I thought from other posts that Dry Run didn’t heat up the elements and did a run through the G-Code so your machine would go through the motions of making an object, but not extrude or heat up?

Am I misunderstanding what Dry Run is?

Thanks in advance.[/quote]

The dry run feature only works with the Repetier firmware. Marlin does not support dry run.



Thanks for your reply.


IN slic3r open ‘G code Editor’ tab and 3D view. Use scroll wheel to maximise image. At bottom of G Code page click on ‘Show single layer’ In first layer box enter 1 and clisk on ‘First layer’ button. That layer appears in the 3D view. Can then cycle through layers. Clicking on the first Layer button moves the Code to the start of the layer in the box. In the text below see the layer number and the length of filament used up to start of that layer.