Does the K8200 suck in printing precise?


is it true, that it is not possible to print accurate parts with the velleman K8200?
For example this object:
All of the holes are to small. The hexagon “holes” are also to small. And like 1-2mm smaller than they should.

I think I printed 4 rolls of filament, and i am still not able to print parts from thingiverse, that are designed for the K8200. ALL of the parts are to small/doesn´t fit…

Am i doing something wrong or is it true that the K8200 cannot print accurately??



PS: All axis and the extruder are kalibrated. the bed is leveled and has a distance of 0.25mm to the nozzle.

[quote=“Jared”]is it true, that it is not possible to print accurate parts with the velleman K8200?
Am i doing something wrong or is it true that the K8200 cannot print accurately??
Yes, the K8200 can print perfect fitting parts. I already printed really complex parts and they seamless fit together.
I’m afraid you have to (re)calibrate your printer.

Try to print this testcube:

After printing, take a caliper, measure outside distances and lower or higher the X/Y/Z-steps.
Reprint the testcube, measure again and tweak at your own discretion.
It will took some time, but afterwards you are able to print fitting parts without any problem.

Thank you for your fast response.

I´ve taken your advice and re-calibrated all axis and the extruder using the test cube you´ve posted.

Now test cube measures the following:
width 20mm exact
depth 20mm exact
hight 10mm exact
hole in the middle 8,82mm should be 10mm

What can i do to get the hole in the middle to 10mm?
Is it a slic3er-problem?
I´ve used the k8200_pla_standard settings. (With all other settings, i´ve tested, i got the same result)

[quote=“Jared”]Now test cube measures the following:
width 20mm exact
depth 20mm exact
hight 10mm exact
hole in the middle 8,82mm should be 10mm
This is really bizarre !
If the outside dimensions are accurate, it sounds almost unbelievable that the inside hole has a deviation of more than 10%.

Probably your slicing software generates extremely thick walls with the result that the test cube in general is too narrow. But due to the too thick walls, the outside sizes seem apparently right.

Can you print the same test cube with the same settings at 300% and measure again?

Smaller holes will always be an issue due to the way a slicer works.

You’ll have to compensate this in your design.