I bought a WSF210 a while ago and used it fine with an android device. Now I have an iPad but this requires FW upgrade. It sems this upgrade requires a programmer which I does not have. And its price is relatively high compared to the price of the WFS.
Is there any alternative ? cheaper programmer (like the one I use for my arduinos) for instance ?
First Option:
You can try going to your local velleman dealer and check if they want to do the upgrade for you.
Second Option:
You can send the wfs210 us (shipping is on you).
We will upgrade the firmware for free and send it back for free.
Sorry for the late reply… I have to check why I did not receive any notification…
Anyway, I’ll try to go where I bought it to see if they can do the upgrade. I guess the cost of sending it over would also be kind of expensive. But where would I need to send it to ? Somewhere in France ? Europe ?