DMX sequences Generator for I-Mac + Raspberry/Velleman DM116

Hi we are working on a Floating pod for Sensory deprivation project and need to control generate, and execute RGB sequences in the pod.

We are using am i-Mac to host a control system, a Raspbarry to upload and transfer to your Welleman 116 that will send the Light sequences to the receiver of the RGB strips.

We have chosen the Welleman DM 116 mainly because it is compact and there are already some library for Arduino and Raspbarry. Unfortunately we must use an i-Mac with OSX and we are facing some difficulties to find a light sequence generator app that can run on i-Mac and generate a file which can be read by Raspbarry in ASCII format.

Can you help us to find a simple light sequence generator that can run on I-Mac OSX?

Thanks Indeed in advance


Sorry, Velleman does not support the Apple platform for this item.
We are not aware of any third party applications, you might want to Google for this.