DMX Lighting and Fixture Control VM116

Is it possible to interact directly with the VM116 box or maybe with the software that runs it (API?)?
We are trying to drive a lighiting console via DMX and we need to implement the solution within our application.

Yes, it is possible using the K8062D.DLL.
There are following functions available:

StartDevice Opens the communication link to the K8062 device
StopDevice Closes the link to the K8062 device
SetChannelCount(Count) Sets the maximum DMX channel in use
SetData(Channel, Data) Sets the data value for the DMX channel

You may download the software package and manual from the downloads page:
DMX Software Development Kit
Make your own software for the K8062 with the Dynamic Link Library K8062D.DLL
Write custom Windows applications, with examples in Delphi, Visual Basic and C++ Builder.