Distorted print when printing 3x or times the same object


I have printed many items and print perfectly fine.

However when I print 3 or more times the same object all of the prints look similar like in this post:

When I just print 1 or 2 at the same time everything is fine.

What could cause this and how to fix this?


The answer is not straightforward. One problem may causes.

What could explain this is that when the print head is in the middle of the bed it moves smoothly and when a bit farther away the friction increases et you’re loosing steps.

So when you’re printing one or 2 objects the head stays around the center but with more object it goes away from the center and then you print shifts.

It probably means that your axis are ill tuned. Check if the X/Y rods are perfectly // to the lateral ones and if they can move freely from one side to the other. Keep in mind that the XY clamps are often too close from each other and need to be knocked a bit away.