when the 3D Printing begin printing, automatically
the distance between the extruder and the base increases considerably! (About 10cm!)
Initially approached the extruder at the base, then when Printing the Z axis rises considerably,
and when the plastic falls is not positioned correctly.
Yes, the extruder increase the distance from the base about 10cm when start print!
The software is Repetier Host, last version, the firmware is updated!
I want show you a photo (I have a photo of the problem on my smartphone) but i have no url to attach the picture
There are some type of reset o some test that i can try with the maschine???
I try to install the version of Repetier Host that you attach me…nothing!
I try to update the firmware…installed the firmware: firmware_k8200_v2.1.1 (marlin) but the situation is the same.
The distance between the extruder and the printing plate initially is ok.
But when start to print the distance increase about 10 centimeters.
Also every time I click on the " home button" of the ’ axis z the z axis Increases.
How configure the Z axis in right mode?
Also every time I click on the " home button" of the ’ axis z the z axis Increases.
How configure the Z axis in right mode?
There is a solution???
That sounds like you have incorrectly wired the Z endstop.
Then the printer thinks it has hit the endstop all the Time and constantly moves up.
Check if you connected the correct pins of the endstop.
The circuit should be closed when the endstop ist free and open when the endstop is hit.
I’m not sure they will accept the complete printer (but I don’t know).
I’m wondering what happens when you home the print head
Does that work correctly?
After you home it and tell it to move the Z axis up 10 mm does it do that correctly?
Did you slice the project or are you using someone else Gcode?
But this printer 2 months ago work perfectly!!! with the same software setting…i think that is an hardware problem.
I’m not a specialist and for this i need to know of send the printer in Belgium
This sounds like the start code of cura (old version?). It will go down to the print bed, prime, rapidly lift the nozzle , then move down to the start of the print. The problem is that it tries to lifts way too fast, and Z axis can not keep up. It will sound horriby, and then the nozzle will crash in to the bed because the head is lower than the firmware expects.
You need to change to start gcode or limit the Z axis speed in the firmware. I dont recall how to do that, but Im sure someone else can tell you.