Disaster while printing with ABS

Finally got the printer assembled and tuned in ( have little z-axis still, bearings makes stange noise when you control it manually)
Have printed with PLA and got better and better results.
Changed to ABS filament and started printing, sadly left it unattended…
The piece I was printing warped badly and the printerhead probably finally got stuck.

Resulting in a real mess, insulation on heaterelement was melted and wires probably shorted.

The heaterblock was twisted and have melted ABS almost everywere.
Havent had time to see if mainboard or printerheadboard is damaged.
So A word of warning dont leave the printer unnattended if you are printing ABS
(With PLA it sticks to the surface so hard that it is very difficult to get the parts loose…)

/A very sad user

Updated with pics

What temperature did you use? At 245° (which was more 250-255 due to an incorrect setting for the CTN), it sticks like hell. I ruined my Buildtak trying to pry my prints loose.
At 230° it doesn’t stick so well.
Then it’s advisable to print ABS with a brim especially small parts.
If the surface of the Buildtak is greasy it doesn’t stick at all. I wipe the bed with alcohol before printing because the oiled rods tend to spray a greasy coat on the bed.

I was printing at 245*C (standard setting in the program, and with welleman filament)
The piece was partly stuck, but had warped so bad that the print head finally stuck.
I have only printed with PLA before and there I have trouble to get the finished part loose from the plate.

Was looking at the stores website and saw that they were out ouf stock (www.kjell.com)
Guessing that it will take some time before I have a working printer again.
If it takes to long time I will probably ask for a refund and buy another that has heatbed as I understand it helps preventing ABS to warp…

Measured voltage on heater output: read ~15v so it seems ok and tempsensor seems ok.
So I probably only need the parts in the bottom picture (minus the bolts plate and standoffs)
Hopefully Velleman can arrange this rapidly… Was starting to like the printer

You can clean the metallic parts of the head dropping them in acetone but for the burned wires you’ll have to find a replacement and hope nothing is burned on the motherboard.

For you Z axis, check the bearings, I had a bad one making a grinding noise.

You can experience warping even with a heatbed. I’m always printing ABS with a brim. And check the first 10 layers as most often warping occurs after a few layers.

The problem with the brass parts is that the heater element is stuck in the heaterblock and the heaterblock is stuck on the printnozzle.
I’ll give it another shot later today to se if I can seperate the parts.

Got the heaterblock of from the nozzle, had to use way more force than I liked.
The heater element is stuck solid in the block.
Will send a mail to the support at velleman to se if we can sort it out, along with destroyd threads on 3pulleys and Z axis bearings (they make a strange noise when bed is moved down, nothing when moved up)

Reading up on the forum makes me belive I have had to high temperature due to the thermistor flaw in the software.

Z axis bearings (they make a strange noise when bed is moved down, nothing when moved up)

I have such noice also. But I think its “by design” of the linear bearings. When the bed is moving down, the spheres are moving up between outer and inner part of the bearings. Then the spheres one-by-one falling over the edge and dropping down a bit. Therefore we can hear a “clicking” sound when the bed is moving down. This sound does not appear when bed is moving up.