Disable a specific function (don't know the name)

Hey there

I’ve tried to print this figure:

Everything went well, untill i got to the fingers.
Then the printer starts to do somthing that i really don’t like.

He prints the first layer of the fingers, then he stops, the printhead moves away so that the filament can cool down and then the printhead moves back to print the next layer. Then he stops again, moves away, wait, moves back, print next layer etc…

The problem is that most of the time the filament stops coming out when he does that and ruins the print.
And this happens not only with this object but also with other piecies.

Is there a way to disable this function?


Is there a way to disable this function?[/quote]Very easy : uncheck “Cool head lift” in the cura settings

thank you very much :slight_smile: