Difference between model and G code


i’ ve just completed the builing of my K8200 and it really works great !
i’ve read a lot about the Z axes wobling, so i wanted to improve some pieces.

i wanted to print the piece described in the picture, but slicer do not seems to do the work well.
as you can see, there’s a difference between the object and the G code. there is a space at the bottom of the model ! and i dont know why !

image gratuite

i am trying to change the options in slicer but i cant find a solution for the moment.

hope you can help me :slight_smile:

thx !


i’ ve just completed the builing of my K8200 and it really works great !
i’ve read a lot about the Z axes wobling, so i wanted to improve some pieces.

i wanted to print the piece described in the picture, but slicer do not seems to do the work well.
as you can see, there’s a difference between the object and the G code. there is a space at the bottom of the model ! and i dont know why !

image gratuite

i am trying to change the options in slicer but i cant find a solution for the moment.

hope you can help me :slight_smile:

thx ![/quote]

What settings did you use in slicer for the nozzle size and layer height?

am just using the default configuration file from velleman

heberger image

i tried other options but same results !

this is the original file : thingiverse.com/thing:274188

could you try it on your software ?


It looks like there is a problem in the design of the part
I had the same problem with that part
You can download Cura and slice it in there and print it in Repetier.
The Cura slicer does a lot of repair ing as it slices.
If you set Cura up you can also print from it.

thx ,

i heard that cura engin is more powerfull than slicer !

is there any possibility to use the last version of repetier with the k8200 ??

[quote=“xnordz”]thx ,

i heard that cura engin is more powerfull than slicer !

is there any possibility to use the last version of repetier with the k8200 ??[/quote]

Yes, indeed!

I do so and cura gives way better slicing whenit comes to “problematic” parts.
Although slic3r is somewhat more fine tunable, i use cura for most parts now.

You can also try 123D Mesh Viewer from Autodesk to repair your stl files before slicing.

Netfab is pretty good at repairing desins as well
They have one you can download and a cloud version


finally ,

i downloaded the latest version of Cura and used this informations for the configuration : http://forum.velleman.eu/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=10749

and it works great ! the slicing is incredibly fast !

the quality is also different.

i will post pics of the different printed models


Edit :
i tried the repaire the model but it does not make any difference whith slicer.
it worked well with cura whitout repairing … or it probabely uses reparing technics whithin the soft …

here’s the difference between the 2 softs ( Cura and Repetier host with slicer)
the same printer same config

heberger image

the quality of printing is much better

Let me guess, the right one is cura?

Have you try with last version of Repetier and Slic3r ?

upps, i meant the left one is cura

i use the last version of repetier, which offers slic3r and cura as slicing engines.

If one does not work the other almost ever did.

yep ! you re right !

i also get the resolution on Cura to 0.2mm and it’s very beautifull

i will try the new versioon of repetier and let you know

Why didn’t the print finish?
Did you stop it?

yup !

just testing different configs

Many of the designs on Thingiverse and other sites have errors in the CAD files.

They are not ‘manifold’ that is their surfaces have gaps, although you many not be able to visually detect them in the model.

Ideally you would never try and slice a file with errors, checking for them and correcting them first (using Netfabb for example). However, most of the slicers will try and correct the errors with varying degrees of success.

Cura does it well !