So I recently installed the LCD and SD card reader on my K8200.
Afterwards the printer seemed to have lost it.
The Y-axis does no longer react to any commands, and the X-axis only seems to move in the - direction, also when I give it the command to move in the + direction. The Z-axis seems to be fine, but both (X and Z) no longer stop when reaching 200, the motor just keeps going (or tries to).
The LCD seems to work well, as I can scroll through all the commands, and the commands are executed (except those described above).
I believe something must have gone wrong while soldering the pins for the LCD to the board, though I did this very carefully with a 15W solderig iron.
Has anyone ever encountered a similar problem? Can it be fixed or do I need a new board?
If you upgraded the firmware you need to use Arduino software 1.0.6 or below.
The higher versions have an issue with the K8200 firmware.
Thank you very much for the swift reply.
I installed Arduino 1.0.6, which seems to work better, it says the Upload is completed.
I do still get the same error as before:
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
avrdude: stk500v2_getsync(): timeout communicating with programmer
Any idea how to solve this? I’m sorry I’m such a noob.
Check the printer settings in Repetier 095F
If you have a different version you can download it from here.
Make sure you have the correct com port
Baud Rate = 250000
Reset on Connect = Disabled
Installed RepetierHost 0.95F, was using 0.94.
The printer settings were correct, now also in 0.95F.
Problem is still the same, however. Should I maybe change the programmer in Arduino? Now it’s AVRISP mkII.
Are you getting this while uploading the firmware?
If so did you put the jumper on Jprog?
These are the instructions
No, I did not…
I guess i just skipped that step of the instructions. Very embarassing.
I managed to load it up, and behold, I can print again!
Thank you very much Wrong Way, for your patience and expertise, I hope to be able to return the favour some day.
Glad to hear it’s working now.
I’m not an expert.
I just sometimes get lucky
Enjoy your printer!