Damaged K8048?

I accidentally powered the programmer with 7.5V instead of 15V, wondering if it could have done any damage?

I get the no device ID received sometimes, the PIC program only runs half the time on the board.

When it works I can erase and everything but when I go to write I get

Write error: 00XX
Wrote: XXXX
Read: 3FFF

Edit: I think it might just be a bad cable or dry joint or something, when I try to write it 5/6 times it works fine

Running a semiconductor at less than its rated Voltage is very unlikely to cause damage. Actually, I’m surprised that you got any useful result. As far as I am able to determine, PICs and EPROMs use a circuit with a Zener diode to determine programming mode. I assumed that the threshold Voltage for a PIC was 8.2V. Apparently, you have determined it to be lower. Burn your program at the recommended Voltage for more reliable operation.