Custom repetier host for velleman k8200 3d printer

Hello eveyone,

I have just assembled the K8200 printer. And now, I will connect and calibrate and do first print.
The manual on the internet site say that: [color=#BF0000]There are newer versions of this program but we are working on the compatibility for the newer versions. This
manual focusses only on this version of the software.[/color]

However, on the link below it is written that the customized version of Repetier can be used.

Can you help about my confusion:

  • Can I use this newer version for K8200?
  • Do I have to configure printer settings, connection settings and filament settings (Becouse I have read somewhere thati in this 0.95F version everything had been configured already.)?
  • Do I have to work on firmware?
  • Do I have to do anything different than the manual given on the internet site:

I will be appreciated if you show me the right and best way.

Thank you all


Yes, feel free to use the most current repetier host version (1.5.4 by now)
If you use the “unmodified version” you have to set the printer settings yourself, but that’s preety easy.
The firmware can be used as it is.