Cura 14.12.1 standalone Machine Settings (2xExtruder)

I’m using Repetier-Host with Cura engine under Windows 8.1. I downloaded Cura 14.12.1. I found in this forum many tips for setting up the Cura. But I need also the machine settings like the bed size, second nozzle etc. (I know Vertex’s build volume is X=200 Y=180 Z=190 is smaller than build bed size). Can you give an advice please?


Just look in printer settings in repetier

I mean the printer shape like in the repetier-host printer settings or second nozzle difference. Has the Cura 14.12.1 standalone a better print quality than the repetier-host cura slicer or is there really no difference? (For example Simplfy3d is the better “Universal 3d Printer Driver” for nearly all 3d Printers.

Did you set extruder count to 2?
Your first pictire shows a 1 :wink:

[quote=“ichbinsnur”]Did you set extruder count to 2?
Your first pictire shows a 1 ;)[/quote]

Hello ichbinsnur;
no actually I didn’t. Because I’m new to 3D printing in first Picture you see Cura “Machine Settings” what I did not changed or edited something. “E-Steps per 1mm Filament” or Maximum width, depth, height or Printer head size this are all values for new comer really not easy to edit/set. I also don’t know if there is any difference between this Repetier-Host with Cura Engine and standalone Cura 14.12.1?


If you set the extruder count to 2 the fields for the Y/X offset of the extruders will appear.