I’m using Repetier-Host with Cura engine under Windows 8.1. I downloaded Cura 14.12.1. I found in this forum many tips for setting up the Cura. But I need also the machine settings like the bed size, second nozzle etc. (I know Vertex’s build volume is X=200 Y=180 Z=190 is smaller than build bed size). Can you give an advice please?
I mean the printer shape like in the repetier-host printer settings or second nozzle difference. Has the Cura 14.12.1 standalone a better print quality than the repetier-host cura slicer or is there really no difference? (For example Simplfy3d is the better “Universal 3d Printer Driver” for nearly all 3d Printers.
[quote=“ichbinsnur”]Did you set extruder count to 2?
Your first pictire shows a 1 ;)[/quote]
Hello ichbinsnur;
no actually I didn’t. Because I’m new to 3D printing in first Picture you see Cura “Machine Settings” what I did not changed or edited something. “E-Steps per 1mm Filament” or Maximum width, depth, height or Printer head size this are all values for new comer really not easy to edit/set. I also don’t know if there is any difference between this Repetier-Host with Cura Engine and standalone Cura 14.12.1?