Controller Board Problem (Do I Have to Change my Board? )

Dear friends,

I havent used my printer for 2 months. In my ast print I have extruder temp problem and I found that thermistor is not working.
Today I have changed the thermistor but after that I found that my X asis motor driver is not working.
While replacing new step motor driver, unfortunately I assembled the driver in a wrong position. last to legs of the driver was not installed (that means I installed it to one row below.
When I gave power to controller board, I heard some burst sound. Than I thought that driver is broken and replaced again with another new one.

After that, I manage to connect controller board with Repetier K8200 Host it says connected but in the log view FIRMWARE_NAME:MarlinV1… indication is not seen.
and I can not see temperature, I can not control motors in manual way…

I am afraid my controller board is broken.

What is your suggestion about this situation. How can I check if my controller totally broken or not?
And the last but the most important question: Do I have to buy new board :frowning:

Waiting for your guidance friends.


This notification in the log area is normal.

Before going to deep check the printer settings.
Correct Com Port (you should see this in device manager)
Speed = 250000
Reset on Connect = Disabled

Are there any errors on the log area?

[quote=“Wrong Way”]FIRMWARE_NAME:MarlinV1…
This notification in the log area is normal. [/quote]

Sorry for mis_typing FIRMWARE_NAME… is not seen in the log area. I think it should be seen for every connection.

Other settings are ok.
Actually I couldn’t remember if there is error or not in the log area.

The 2 LEDs (red and green) next to the USB port on the board are they on after you plug the power in?
They should turn off.
You may want to check the 15 volts at the blue connector.

I know these are basic checks but I like to start from start.

Those LEDs are always on as seen picture. And also LEDs near the extruder motor driver and Y stop allways on.

I didn’t check power supply voltage today but I checked it before it was OK.

The pictures didn’t post.

You need to put the on a free picture website and put the link up here.
If the (2) LEDs are on this means the control board is not receiving power 15VDC.
If you are getting 15VDC at the blue connector check the solder joints on the back of the board for the connector

[quote=“Wrong Way”]The pictures didn’t post.

You need to put the on a free picture website and put the link up here.
If the (2) LEDs are on this means the control board is not receiving power 15VDC.
If you are getting 15VDC at the blue connector check the solder joints on the back of the board for the connector[/quote]

Can you please try the link below for the photos.

What type of driver card is that?
Have you tried to unplug it to see if the rest of the board starts working?

[quote=“Wrong Way”]What type of driver card is that?
Have you tried to unplug it to see if the rest of the board starts working?[/quote]

Those step drivers are the same with the orijinal one, just different manufacturer. I am using them for more than 1 year without problem.
I removed those drivers and tried again. nothing changed.

  • My Power supply voltage is 15.2 (OK)

  • Controller Board views are given in the picture below.

I have tried different scenarios. first just connected with usb cable without power. and after I give power to printer. and LED seems as below

My Repetier Screen shot is like that:

By chance I found this warning from RAMPS 1.4 Controller Card. There is written that wrong correction of stepper driver will result is electronics failure.
I think I did this.

What do you think friends? Do I have to replace my card? Can I repair it?

I’m sorry but I am out of ideas.
It sounds like you may need to get a new control board.
I was really hoping it would be something a little more cost effective.

[quote=“Wrong Way”]I’m sorry but I am out of ideas.
It sounds like you may need to get a new control board.
I was really hoping it would be something a little more cost effective.[/quote]

Thank you for your help.

Original controller is really costly for me. If I buy it from open electronics it will cost nearly 70 euros with shipping to Turkey.

Although I do not know how to do but I will try to adopt RAMPs 1.4 because it is just 15 euros in Turkey. If anyone can help me about replacement with RAMPS I will really be appreciated.