Controller Board Additional Pins

The documentation on the board is extremely terse. Beyond this page, there’s not a lot of info to be found, so I took a pic of my board to get the pin-out and came up with this:

I would like to add a 3W power led with a LM317 to drive it. The led in question is 3.4V~3.8V with a 700mA power consumption.

I’ve also made a small bracket for it so I can attach it to the printer.

My question:
How much power can be drawn from the two power lines at pin 3 (12V) & 5 (5V)?

I could possibly piggyback on the power connector and get 15V directly, but I think that’s a bit much…

Hi djBo,

those “power” pins are connected through quite long and not very wide conductor paths, so it’s not a good idea to draw more than a few mW there. Connecting your LED module to the power connector would be much better. You can of course use the DIOs from the extension port to switch the LED through a MOSFET, similar to the circuit used for the 24 V heatbed mods.


Yeah I’m trying to avoid this. I’m not an electronics expert and not really in mood to design my own power supply… I figured if I could misuse the 5V ramp I’d be set.

I am definatly avoiding this for as long as possible. My knowledge of arduino programming is beginner level at best. I’m working on it though :slight_smile:

For now I’m going the cheap and easy route, and see if I can come up with a small circuit to drive it from the power supply piggy backing from the power connector which is unused.
I’ll probably first bring the voltage down to two seperate 12V and 5V rails which I can then use to add additional fans and lighting. Controlling it all will be part 2… that’s a long way away still…

Thanks though. At least I now know NOT to use the rails for anything else but simple circuits.

Yeah I’m trying to avoid this. I’m not an electronics expert and not really in mood to design my own Cheap Wristbands… I figured if I could misuse the 5V ramp I’d be set.

I am definatly avoiding this for as long as possible. My knowledge of arduino programming is beginner level at best. I’m working on it though :slight_smile:

For now I’m going the cheap and easy route, and see if I can come up with a small circuit to drive it from the power supply piggy backing from the power connector which is unused.
I’ll probably first bring the voltage down to two seperate 12V and 5V rails which I can then use to add additional fans and lighting. Controlling it all will be part 2… that’s a long way away still…

Thanks though. At least I now know NOT to use the rails for anything else but simple circuits.[/quote]
I am interested to know more about this technology, please some more content on it.