Connection problems

After I assembled and adjusted the printer, I printed out some stuff and it seemed to work as it should.
But now when I connect the printer to the computer and open the software and click Connect, I see then that the printer responds with:
“Seriellt COM Fel:System.IO.Ports.SerialErrorReceivedEventArgs” and nothing works.
I have tried using a different USB port on the computer with the same result.
How can I solve this problem?

Did you follow the configuration instructions for the printer?

These should be your com port settings:

Yes I did with no luck…

Could it be the PCB? Should I replace it with a new on?

If we can rule out any driver or power supply issues and if it does not work on a different computer, then I would also suspect the board.
You can return it to your distributor or direct to Velleman:

Velleman Projects Tech. Dept.
Legen Heirweg 33
9890 Gavere

Make sure to include a detailed fault description.

US residents: please call (817) 284 77 85

Ok, I will do so!
By the way I´m the distributor (Elfa Distrelec Sweden) and this is the first issue we had with the board…

Do you know when you will get the CPU card (VK8200/SP) on stock?

If you are a distributor, please contact your sales representative at the export dept, they will be able to inform you regarding availability and lead times.

I have received the new card but it is the same error.
When I connect, the following up of the log:
”Seriellt Com Fel: System IO.Ports.SerialErrorReceivedEventsArgs”
My computer setup is:
Port : Com6
Baud: 115200 (250000 option is not present in my computer)
Databit: 8
Parity: None
Stopbit: 1
Rowcount: None

Setting of K8200 is:
Port: Com6
Baud: 115200
Protokoll: Autodetect
Cache: 127

I have tried the card with only the voltage plugged (15, 3V) and it is the same error
I’ve tried with another cable with no results
I have try other USB ports with the same error results
I have tested my usual laser printer on the USB port K8200 was plugged in and no error on USB port
So what I shoul do?


Looks like your baud rate is off.
Should be 250000

250000 option is not present in my computer

Do you have the means to test on a different PC, to rule out any PC issues, since it is weird that the required baudrate is not available?

I believe Repetier queries your system to know which baud rates are supported. So it looks like your system does not support the needed baud rate.

This could be because of an out of date driver or the hardware itself, I’m not sure, so it might not hurt to try a Windows Update of your system or to update any drivers for your system.


We have a K8200 for a school project, however we cannot get to communicate to the board. We’ve tried the following (both with a Mac and a Windows 7 laptop):

  1. start the Arduino IDE (1.0.6)
  2. set board to Arduino Mega 2560 / Mega ADK
  3. serial port on USB
  4. connect USB cable, both leds (red/green) stay on - no power plugged yet for printer
  5. tried to compile and download a simple program
  6. we get an error “stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout”

We tried with different port setting, changing speed, different USB cables etc. to no help.

When we turn the power on and connect with Repetier we can send commands to the board but nothing happen.

What should we do ?

Thanks in advance,

You need the Arduino IDE only to upgrade the K8200 firmware not to download a sample !!!


I’ve tried with the IDE to make sure I could talk to the board. In fact this evening after a few resets I could download a sample, managing to switch on/off the led light as a test.

Afterwards I’ve uploaded the Marlin V1 firmware from the Velleman site ( … and all went ok.

Now I’ve restarted Repetier-Host on a Mac laptop and configured the printer as “virtual printer”. All commands are accepted however nothing happens. If I configure the printer as “usbserial-xxxx” then I get the message “xxx commands waiting”.

I’ve tried both with Windows and Mac. On a Mac with 10.9 I’ve applied the VCP patch to disable the Apple driver. No changes.

What else can be done ?

In the settings for the printer you can choose Repetier-Host speed as you wish, when my printer worked in the first time I have chosen speed 115200 and everything worked as it should. Would that card I’ve changed only work with 250000 baud? I have Windows 8.1 in my computer could it be a problem? When I try to update my drivers I get the response that they are the most recent


I’ve managed to fix this by resetting the board once again, setting on a Mac Repeteir 0.56 the printer as “tty-usb” (not virtual printer), speed of 115200.

Now the printer is responding again.

Thanks for the help and suggestions so far,


whenever I receive the unwarranted “x commands waiting” error, I UNPLUG AND REPLUG THE USB CABLE and it self corrects every time. This is on a MAC, not sure if it works on a PC as well.


Please reply my latest mssage.
“In the settings for the printer you can choose Repetier-Host speed as you wish, when my printer worked in the first time I have chosen speed 115200 and everything worked as it should. Would that card I’ve changed only work with 250000 baud? I have Windows 8.1 in my computer could it be a problem? When I try to update my drivers I get the response that they are the most recent”