Connect HPS50 to Windows 8 PC

Having run the software downloaded from your website, I am asked to select a port that the 'scope is connected to. Despite there being a drop down menu, none are listed for selection. I have tried ‘COM1’, etc. but to no avail. Does the software support Windows 8 yet or am I missing a trick?


Did you check the device manager, it will show you to which COM port the unit is connected?

Um, the 'scope doesn’t show up on my device manager. Where is the driver on the website please? I have downloaded what’s specific to the HPS50; no drivers here.

I’m sorry but the HPS50 driver is not yet compatible with Windows 8

Very disappointed that this is the case. Do you have plans to support Windows 8 or am I going to have to ask for my money back?

I’ve created a new driver for you:
HPS50 driver for Windows 8 x86/x64 (zip)

Please install this driver and let me know if it worked

Thanks. Where do I put these files?

Unzip the files to a folder you can remember. Then follow these steps, but use your folder instead … s-8-a.html

Thanks for your help so far.
I have followed your advice but I can’t guess which folder in drivers to put these in.
Universal Serial Bus controllers?
Ports (COM and LPT)?
Disk drives?
Imaging Devices?


[quote]I have followed your advice but I can’t guess which folder in drivers to put these in.[/quote]What is “these”? And why are you trying to put it a in drivers folder?

In Device Manager, look for a device with a yellow exclamation mark in front of its name. This is probably the HPS50 if all your other hardware is installed correctly. It should be listed under Ports (COM & LPT).