Confusing assembly instruction: PTFE Bowden tube cutting

In the Assembly instructions “assembly of the Y-axis” there is an instruction that “if the end of the PTFE Bowden tube is not cut straight, one should do so using a cutter.”
However, according to the related picture the correct way is to cut the tube diagonally. The tube which is cut straight (or in a 90 degree angle) is marked as wrong.

Which is the correct way in Nano?

In the Vertex (the bigger one) instructions the PTFE tubes are instructed to be cut to 90 degree angle - not diagonal.

p.s. I find the Nano an interesting approach as most of the printing needs are for small parts. Also, the belt tightening is far better than in the big Vertex in which getting the belts tensioned properly is not so easy when the adjustment is fully used.


Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
We’ll fix the image. Its important you cut it straight! NOT on a angle.

Best Regards