Computer Connected, No motor or Fan control

The good folks at Velleman should be watching this post.
They may have more things you can try or guide you through getting your board repaired.
If you are in the USA or Canada you can send an email to techsupport[color=#BF0000]at[/color]vellemanusa[color=#BF0000]dot[/color]com

We’d suggest to return the board for inspection/repair.
Please return the board to your Velleman distributor or direct to:

Velleman Projects Tech. Dept.
Legen Heirweg 33
9890 Gavere

US residents: please call (817) 284 77 85 for RMA#

I have the same problem with the printer, when I attach the adapter diods flashes and then all go off.

Having the same problem. Power in is good at 15.7, regulator is supplying 5 volt, using Repetier v0.95f, com configured at 250000, no reconnect, with 7 command waiting, No MOTOR control, No temp controls, no comm with the board.

Tried the reflash, timeout,

Recieved the printer in Sept 2014, up to this point happy with product, but …

Contacting for RMA#

When the controller is just connected to the USB 2 LEDs are on (red & green). When appling 15V they go out and a green LRD flashes and goes out. All as it should be.

Several reasons for Repetier not to connect.

  1. Drivers not installed or incorrect drivers. Installing V0.95 should install drivers but not the latest. This forum has plenty of info on the correct and newest drivers.

  2. The USB port is not the correct 1 with the drivers for the controller.

  3. When I had this problem it was only fixed by getting an exchange board from VellemanUSA.