
I keep getting the below error message when trying to slice.

Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click
Continue the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If
you click Quit the application with close immediately.

Access to the path 'C:\ProgramFiles\Repetier-Host\Slic3r\composition.stl is denied.

I assume this mean it cannot find "composition.stl, but neither can I anywhere on my computer!

Can somebody help me please?

You can’t find the composition.x file probably because the software crashed when trying to make it. If you ignore the error it can’t find the file the was never created.

What version of Repetier and Slic3r do you use?

You could try to install an other version of Slic3r (in the Repetier folder you delete the old version and just copy the new one - all your setup will remain the same as it’s saved elsewhere).
Restart Repieter and try again.

This is caused by insufficient permissions, Repetier can not create the temporary files needed for slicing. You could try going to Config->Repetier General Settings and change the Workdirectory to a directory that exists and that you have access permissions to.

This only time I have seen this error is on a computer where the user was not an administrator.