Compiling Error after change Language from EN to DE

I have add the K8402 and K8403 to my vertex.
Now when i try to upload the two head firmware (vertex-m1-v1.4-h2) with Adruino IDE version 1.0.6 it show an Error.

I have tryed without changes before uploading, then it works.
But when i only change the language from Default “1” (English) to “4” (German) ", the IDE show me this Error.

Please Velleman fix this problem!
And by the way, Marlin 1.4 is already old. The Vertex firmware has to get an update for better quality and support of new stepper Drivers funktionality. Then you can also use the current Arduino IDE.


Dear Daniel,

I don’t believe that Vellemann will do any update on this firmware. You may check this forum for firmware mods, you may test my version, too. There is a basic support for other languages based on Marlln 1.1 - RC6. You need to compile this firmware with a newer arduino version since the “old” one necessary for the original Vellemann firmware doesn’t support subdirectories.
I didn’t test the language support thouroughly, so if you find some problems, I can fix it in short time.

Actually only the english option (1) includes the lines corresponding to the new features. If you want them in another language you need to edit the language.h file and add the missing lines to your language. And then you need to translate those lines into your language. And keep on using Arduino 1.0.x to upload them as newer versions generate a memory error with the K8400.

thx hoh61 for the link but as first i try the new RC8 Version from github.

Change from RC7

it seems i should try it.

I already tried to use Marlin RC8 with the K8400, the board configuration that they added somehow doesn’t work out of the box. There are some differences in configuration.h compared to the Version 1.5. from birkett at github.

Compiling and uploading worked, but as I startet a print the board does a restart after the first move from a motor. No flaws with 1.5. I also changed the language to German, but onestly, the menu is way better in english.

After that I kept going with 1.5. RC8 was not worth the trouble…

If RC9 will support the UART communication with my TMC2208 Motordriver, that I am using to silent my Vertex, then I will work on it again.

If you going to try it anyway you should use PlattformIO instead of ArduinoIDE, it’s just a better IDE.