Commands waiting in the repetier-host and time out error

by mistake I have touched the jprog pins with the screwdriver when the repeter was connected, immediatly after on the repetier i saw the message “commands waiting”, i restarted everyting but the problem persisted.
When I connect the board I can see the green and red led flashing and I can see the serial port on my PC, but the board doesn’t work.
I have also tryed to reprogram the board with the marlin firmware using the arduino ide but I receved the error “time out” , during the programming phase only the green led was flashing a little.
How can I check if the board is HW damaged or not ?
Could it be a problem related to bootloader or at atmel firmware?
Is it possible to reprogram the bootloader? how?

… I cannot bealeave that I have damaged the Hw of my board only touching the jprog pins.

thanks for your reply

Try pressing the reset button on control board.
If this works go in to the config settings for the printer.
Make sure that “Reset on Connect” is set to “Disabled”

when I press the reset button nothing happen I can’t see any flashing led, is it normal?

Hi jellyfish,

no, that doesn’t seem normal. When you press reset or short the Jprog pins you should see some reaction (in form of leds lighting up shortly) from the board.

Do you still have a working USB/VCOM connection, i.e. is the com port still visible on the host computer? Also after a disconnecting and reconnecting the USB cable or after a full restart (host and printer board)?

You wrote that you already tried to rewrite the firmware with Arduino; was this the first attempt to do so? Or did you sucessfully reprogram the board at least once before that, i.e. do you have a confirmed working configuration for the Arduino IDE?


Hi Kuraasu,

my USB is working and the port is visible on my computer
Before I was able to program my board with the arduinoIDE without any problem
It seems that the cpu atmega2560 is stuck
I have tried to reprogram the board using the ISP port but the cPU doesn’t respond

do you have any idea



Hi jellyfish,

sorry, no, no further ideas from my side. The ISP port would have been my next guess, but since you tried that already …

My last effort would then be to doublecheck everything. Port and board settings in Arduino, perhaps try different baud rates in RH; if one of your loaded sketches had a different speed setting, the default 250000 will get you either a timeout or garbage. Apart from these two programs, any serial port terminal could of course be used for basic communication checks, too.

Apart from that and if the board is still unresponsive, I’m afraid there’s not much more you could do except for
a) grab your soldering iron and rewire everything to a nice Christmas tree ornament with blinking red leds, or
b) contact Velleman about a warranty replacement.

Cheers & happy holidays

Have you checked the output of the power supply?
Should be 15vDC

my power supply is 15V
I would try to erase the atmel2560 but I cannot use ISP and JTAG becouse the CPU is stuck, so the only method seems to be the parallel progamming
but I am not sure it will work with the atmel2560 attached on the board