Commande k8063


Je souhaiterai commander les afficheurs Jumbo k8063 avec un module VBA (visual basic de la suite microsoft office). Uniquement afficher un chiffre si une cellule contient ce chiffre. Avez-vous une solution ?

Par aileurs, je souhaiterai connecter les afficheurs en usb puisqu’il n’est fourni qu’une connexion DB9 RS232. J’ai essayé avec un cable convertisseur mais les programmes en VB trouvé donne à chaque fois des erreurs de port.

Pouvez-vous m’aider svp ?


In english:

I would like to use my k8063 with VBA application. A cell of my sheet “excel” have to be shown on Jumbo Digit. Have you solutions .

Moreover, i can’t use my k8063 with my own translater db9(RS232) tu usb. A message “port error” appears. Have i to use absolutly the velleman translater ?


Sorry, we have no experience with VBA/Excel.

Regarding the port error, most likely the COM-port number should be 1 or 2, otherwise the software will throw an error (it was written back in the days when 2 COM ports was standard…).

[quote=“VEL417”]Sorry, we have no experience with VBA/Excel.

Regarding the port error, most likely the COM-port number should be 1 or 2, otherwise the software will throw an error (it was written back in the days when 2 COM ports was standard…).[/quote]

Thank you.

I try again.


I have baught the translater usb - db9 Velleman but it doesn’t work well with my k8063 !!!

With rs232 connector, i use an application “score” found on web or in this forum and it works well.

I would like use my k8063 with usb port because my own PC have not db9 connectors.

Could you help me ?

Here is a part of the code in VB6

Private Sub Form_Load() 'load defaults
On Error GoTo no_port 'check serial ports
flag = True
Comm.CommPort = “1”
Comm.PortOpen = True
Combo1.AddItem (“1”)
Comm.PortOpen = False

flag = False

Comm.CommPort = “2”
Comm.PortOpen = True
Combo1.AddItem (“2”)
Comm.PortOpen = False
Combo1.Text = Combo1.List(0)

Exit Sub
If flag = True Then GoTo retry_port
Combo1.Text = Combo1.List(0)
Character = 237 'display a zero
checksum = (255 - ((((13 + characterpointer + Asc(“A”) + Character) / 256) - Int((13 + characterpointer + Asc(“A”) + Character) / 256)) * 256)) + 1
If checksum = 256 Then checksum = 0
messagestring = Chr$(13) & Chr$(characterpointer) & “A” & Chr$(Character) & Chr$(checksum)
messagestring = messagestring + messagestring
Comm.Output = messagestring
Call strobe
End Sub

Private Sub delay() 'short delay routine
oldtimer = Timer
If Timer >= oldtimer + 0.1 Then GoTo leave
GoTo Loopje
End Sub
Private Sub strobe() 'send a strobe command to all displays
checksum = (255 - ((((13 + address + Asc(“S”) + 19) / 256) - Int((13 + address + Asc(“S”) + 19) / 256)) * 256)) + 1
messagestring = Chr$(13) & Chr$(address) & “S” & Chr$(19) & Chr$(checksum)
Comm.Output = messagestring
End Sub

As I said before, this code looks for port 1 or 2. Most likely, your USB to serial converter has a different port number (check this in the device manager), next, adapt the code with the correct port number.

Thank you very much. I will do that on Monday and i’ll come back here after.