I just bought some Colorfabb PLA/PHA and noticed it behaves really different compared to Velleman PLA. I only tested with Shining Silver but I’m not really happy with the result. Overhangs are poor and outer edges curl up a lot too…
If anybody already has some ‘golden’ tips to get me started that would be much appreciated :)!
I’m now printing Marine Blue and indeed it behaves a lot better but still not fully satisfied.
Like with the Shining Silver filament, the outer edges tempt to curl upwards although much less now and details have improved a lot too.
So I’m getting closer, still that maxdgdg can post some of his settings (or anybody that have good results with ColorFabb).
I’m currently running 0.12mm layer thickness, 200C at 15-25mm/sec speed. Fans are on 100%.
Maybe I run some more prints this afternoon and make some pictures to illustrate the behavior…
I have some pictures to show the differences I get when printing Velleman PLA (Orange) and ColorFabb (Blue/Silver).
Although UltraMarine Blue prints much better then Shining Silver, Velleman PLA has a much better result.
Edges tempt to curl upwards quite some using ColorFabb Silver (example at 175C):
ColorFabb Blue is better but not as great as Velleman PLA…
I tried many different temperatures for Silver (left to right: 175C, 195C, 225C) but still the results are not optimal I think:
One more test tonight: ColorFabb ‘Magenta’ coming up at 200C… Which prints surprisingly nice?!
Nice comparison - it’s surprising the variation that exists even within a single manufacturer like ColorFabb, and of course that applies to Velleman’s PLA as well. Black can be troublesome, as can their glow in the dark. Strong colours for me work best - red, blue, yellow all print perfectly.