Hello, Today on facebook I saw this CNC conversion kit from velleman:
k8200.nl/index.php?item=indu … 68&lang=NL
So it’s finally for sale… But I have a few questions about this (it’s the first time I’m looking into this CNC stuff):
-What does this kit include? Does it include a manual like with the original 3D-printer itself (Not so much for installing but more for the new way of making codes)
-This conversion was made already without this kit from velleman, are there maybe better drills then this one?
-The new way of creating G-codes: What program is needed for this?
That’s about it for now,
Please note that this site is not affiliated with Velleman.
Also, there is no ‘kit for sale’.
Basically, you can download the required files to print the Proxxon holder:
More info can be found with our friends from open-electronics:
If its your first time buying a cnc kit try looking for something cheap at first until you get some experience , that’s what I did 8 months of school 5 months of researching calling company’s but it was all worth it. My first cnc kit that I bought was from cncconversionkit.com/50-cnc- … t-8-z-axis , they were really good and professional parts that I received were good cut and clean I was really happy , but that’s just my opinion maybe you found something else. Let me know what you ended up with.