Clicking as if Blocked but Printing Fine

Hello All,

My printer is clicking away whilst it prints as if there is a blockage, but it is quite happily printing. Is this because too much filament is coming out of the nozzle? Either way, what setting should I change to resolve this issue? I have recently moved from Repetier Host to Simplify3D and I’m just trying to migrate things.


If it’s clicking then chances are the hobbed wheel is slipping on the filament. Maybe the spring pressure is not hard enough to grip it? (unlikely - if anything the spring is very strong on the K4800).

Perhaps it’s trying to feed faster than it needs or the head can melt the filament, so there’s some resistance?

[quote=“biscuitlad”]If it’s clicking then chances are the hobbed wheel is slipping on the filament. Maybe the spring pressure is not hard enough to grip it? (unlikely - if anything the spring is very strong on the K4800).

Perhaps it’s trying to feed faster than it needs or the head can melt the filament, so there’s some resistance?[/quote]
I think the latter issue is more likely because the clips leave marks on my fingers whenever I use them. I think I’ll print some soft covers for them actually. Which settings would I change to fix that?

Do you mean how fast it’s pushing through the filament? That’s feedrate. But if you’re filament is very hard, perhaps the hobbed wheel isn’t able to dig in and grip it? You can pull back a length after printing and have a look at it. Velleman filaments are quite often deformed after passing through the feed mechanism, which gives you an indication of the pressure applied and the softness of the filament.

When I look at the filament once it’s gone through the feeder it has relatively large dents in it. I would also like to add that this only occurs on the first few layers. Perhaps my bed is too high?

When I look at the filament once it’s gone through the feeder it has relatively large dents in it. I would also like to add that this only occurs on the first few layers. Perhaps my bed is too high?[/quote]
The clicking only occurs on the first few layers? Is this after you changed filament? My only guess is that if that were the case, then it could be that the hobbed wheel can’t grip the filament once its been deformed or flattened the first time it was passed through. If it happens with the same filament, then there has to be a reason why the wheel is slipping - maybe it can’t turn the filament spool or something? Not sure, you’ll have to do some detective work on that one!

When I look at the filament once it’s gone through the feeder it has relatively large dents in it. I would also like to add that this only occurs on the first few layers. Perhaps my bed is too high?[/quote]
The clicking only occurs on the first few layers? Is this after you changed filament? My only guess is that if that were the case, then it could be that the hobbed wheel can’t grip the filament once its been deformed or flattened the first time it was passed through. If it happens with the same filament, then there has to be a reason why the wheel is slipping - maybe it can’t turn the filament spool or something? Not sure, you’ll have to do some detective work on that one![/quote]
I have used a few filaments and this has occurred so I don’t think it’s that. It isn’t necessarily directly after loading, although the load program does sometimes result in the clocking sound, but that’s usually after some kind of block.