Chrashing sounds by arriving auto home position

When arriving the auto home position, the printer makes some little crashing noises for 2 or 3 seconds. Is it normal? But the endstops were correct mounted, I assume. Otherwise all step calculation would be wrong and the printing would be not good. But the printing is really excellent.
So Velleman, can you confirm that?


No that is not normal.
Most of the time this means that the X and Y axis are not aligned properly.
Look in this link for some suggestions.

That doesn´t help me. You show me Pictures and tuturial of the Vertex K8400.
But I am talking about the Vertex Nano K8600.

[quote=“Wrong Way”]Hi,

No that is not normal.
Most of the time this means that the X and Y axis are not aligned properly.
Look in this link for some suggestions.[/quote]

Sorry my mistake.
I don’t think there are any.
You should check the fan to make sure it’s not rubbing on anything and that nothing is blocking it before it gets to the end stop


I think there’s a problem with the z-axis.

Here’s a link that You can follow, which can help You to solve your problem:

Also other issues are explained how to solve printing throubles.


Velleman Support.

The problem is soved. Even I mounted the end-stop correctly, it seems that the y-axis arrived at end Position hard and noisy before the end-stop recognized it. I bend the litte plate of the end-stop a little bit forward so the end-stop comes now before the mechanical (light) crash. So, every movement is now very silent and no crashing sounds.