Can anyone please give me the latest list of PICs programmable with K8048? I’ve tried Velleman’s own site, which refers me to PICProg2009, but clicking that simply means I keep being sent in circles.
You would need to download the software (free) and install it.
In there are all of the chips it can deal with.
I think the ones in green have been tested.
You may want to look at the VM203
The K8048 requires a native serial port (something most machines don’t have)
Before you ask you can not use a USB to RS232 converter.
VM203 is USB
Thanks, Wrong Way.
When programming PICs, to avoid problems with newer PCs, I still use my old 1997 laptop which has a real RS232 port. I’ll load the latest software on my “new” PC and hope to read the info. there.
I’d expect the latest list of supported PICs to be on the Velleman website with any other info. about the K8048. I found one list that has “PICF630” on it. Something missing but the error has not been corrected. It makes one lose faith.
I’ve loaded PicProg2009 on my “new” PC but cannot find a list of PICs that the K8048 will program. Am I looking in the wrong place?
Normally PICPROG contains the list of supported PIC’s.
Aren’t they shown in the upper right hand corner?
Thanks, VEL. At long last I got round to checking it and found the lists.
Does an orange tick mean that the chip is not programmable with the K8048?
Also, any thoughts about “COM-Init-Error” message would be appreciated as I can’t find anything about it on the forum.
Orange means ‘will probably work but has not been tested’.
About the COM init error, difficult to troubleshoot from a distance.
Did you select a COM port in the software that is not available on the PC?
Thanks for your reply.
I had been using COM4 successfully only a few minutes before. I stopped to amend the program which assembled successfully, but I had the error message when I tried to re-program the same chip, which hadn’t been disturbed.
I’ll give it another try later this evening. The snag is that I have to use my 1997 laptop as it has the only real RS232, and I’m short of space, so everything else has to be moved. I’ll let you know how I get on as this might help others.