Changed the language

When I changed the language to my current native Dutch,
and upload them to the verdex the language remains in English stand I do something wrong.

also when i chous the software version of 1 head version the display print this on the screen.

The language file is only complete in English. Some lines are missing in the other languages.

If you want to use it in Dutch you must edit the language.h file :

On line 25 set #define LANGUAGE_CHOICE 11

The Dutch messages are on line 2344 and sq.

You have to compare the English part with the Dutch part and add the missing lines to the Dutch part.

And when you’re done re-upload the firmware.

[quote=“nvthielen”]also when i chous the software version of 1 head version the display print this on the screen.
As all temperatures are on 0 it seems the thermistor for extruder 1 isn’t properly wired.
Be sure to use Arduino 1.0.6 and not later versions.

sorry to tell this, but the language stay the same i mad a video off it .

what the do next?

– update –

now i have upload the version of 2 heater, and get and temperature readout.
but the heater doesn’t warm up any more ?

You’re not editing the language.h file!
You must edit the line :
and not the #if LANGUAGE_CHOICE == 1 line.

When, the marlin.ino file is loaded in Arduino you can find the language.h file in the dropdown menu on the right of the tab bar (one of the last items).

And if you don’t add the missing lines to the Dutch language you’ll get an error when compiling.

If you upload the 2 heads firmware and have only one it won’t work.

i have downgrade FW to a older version without change the language
so i keep it in English

Thx for the help