Change pulleys and belts

What would it take to change the pulleys and belts to something that are available on the internet to buy.

For example, I have sen GT2 pulleys with 20 teeth, and GT2 belts sold by meter, with two set screws…
(Near enough of the 19T pulleys that is on the printer now).

I am thinking of doing this, so that I don’t have to wait for week’s for replacment pulleys to arrive, when they finally broke…
This is my greatest concern with my printer right now.

Would it be worth the trouble?
Will the resolution/speed be affected?

It will change a lot of things. You’ll have to find 2 different types of pulleys for the motors and the axis.

Then you will need closed belts for the X-Y motors. The X and Y belts don’t need to be closed as you can pinch the ends in the clamps.
You’ll have to change the steps/mm settings for the X and Y axis in the firmware (or in the EEPROM settings). And then calibrate to have the correct displacement.

Thank’s for the input.

I have (I think) found pulleys that will fit the motor’s and the axis, and even a double one with a spacer between, to separate the xy-belts from the motor belts (my current belts are very thorn, as they glide against each other).
I could probably print new belt tensioners/fasteners, that will be able to use belt’s by the meter.

The other thing, changing the firmware is more worrying, as I am pretty new to 3d printing…

I am not yet scared away from modding my printer this way.

[quote=“elHatchling”]I could probably print new belt tensioners/fasteners, that will be able to use belt’s by the meter.[/quote]The motor belts make more that one revolution so you can’t use a fastener. You could try to glue the previously thinned down ends together. Closed belts can also be found.

[quote=“elHatchling”]The other thing, changing the firmware is more worrying[/quote]It’s quite easy. There’s a belt calculator in Repetier.

The line to change in configiuration.h is :
#define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {134.74,134.74,4266.66,200} //
X and Y steps/mm values are 134.74
For GT2 belts with 20 teeth the value should be 160.

Be aware of one thing : GT2-20 belts have really small teeth and are slipping more easily so you’ll have to tighten them more which is not good for the axis movement.

Didn’t think of the smaller belts. Maybe a better idea is to find a supplier for the new and improved pulleys.

I’ve got a batch of them and they do the job quite nicely. You could kindly ask Velleman for replacements. perhaps you’ll hit the mother lode ;).

this thread is a couple years old but still up to date. I’d like to check the polibillety of changing the belts to GT2 6mm.

The standard T2,5 Pulley with extent of 2.5*19T = 47,5mm
Distance between Rod X 310mm => Belt 670mm
Distance between Rox Y 315mm => Belt 685mm
Motor to Rods 80mm? Hard to messure => Belt 180mm

What would be the necessary length of a GT2 Belt?

GT2 Pulley with extent of 2*20 = 40mm
Distance between Rod X 310mm => ???
Distance between Rox Y 315mm => ???
Motor to Rods => ???

There is the solution: