avec d’autres personnes nous avons fabriqué notre simulateur dynamique utilisant des motoreducteurs et bien sur des variateurs omron mini J7
le probleme c’est que le soft x-sim que nous utilisons gere tres mal les sorties analogique et envoi les info de vitesse et de directions sur la meme sortie numerique.
il nous faudrais une carte qui extrait les infos de direction et qui transforme ça en numérique
puis il faut récupérer chaque variation de vitesse de 2,5V à 0 et de 2,5V à 5V et transformer ça en 0 …10V
par contre ce qui est important c’est de n’utiliser que les sortie analogique de la carte velleman.
serait il possible de faire une interface qui pourra tranformer les sortie analogique sous la forme 0…2,5V…5V sous la forme 0…10V + sortie numérique.
From the VM110/K8055 you can’t get 0V to 10V from the analog outputs.
You can use the VM140/K8061 to get analog output 0V to 10V.
If I understand right you need some modifications to the card operation too.
This modifications can be done by editing the DLL.
The source code is available.
sorry for my English, i French and i don’t speak English.
my friends Vulbas trying to find a solution to our problem.
I just give some additional information.
x sim software works on the range 0 … 128 … 256
is a standard for connecting bridge h for example.
we use variable frequency, they use two digital input for the direction and speed for analog input 0 … 10V
it is possible I think to change the DLL plugin for the card in the software x sim, but we are not a programmer.
for reasons of compatibility also, I think it is more interesting to make an electronic interface.
have you experienced this kind of interface, or do you have ideas for us to realize
thank you very much.
Here you can download a modified K8055D.DLL. box.net/shared/5nf4vuxro2
There is also demo program included to the ZIP package.
Extract the two files to a new folder and test the operation by moving the analog output sliders and look the K8055 card response…
[quote]this card is for one axis isn’t it[/quote]Yes it is.
[quote]I do not know the electronique, has you he of the programming there to be made so that works ?[/quote]The DLL used in the X-Sim software is made by the X-SIM DIY motion simulator community. I have no possibility to try to replace it.
Here a new simple hardware solution. Only one quad Op-Amp ,some resistors, three trimpots, one capacitor and a transistor are needed.
Circuit diagram:
thanks for your help, with a freind, i try to make a card to convert analog output .
i have a question:
i connect a sabertooth dimensionengineering.com/Sabertooth2X25.htm
power card in output VM110 , in analog and i have a problem.
when there are no command in the velleman card, my motors in output turn!
becaune 0V = full speed
0V full speed, 2.5v motor stop and 5v full speed
it’is possible to stop the motor ? how stop motor when the velleman card is not used?
Can you use the digital output of the VM110 to turn on the motor power?
If possible, you may use the digital output to control a relay or a contactor capable to a 25A current.