Car and K8055

I am going to use my K8055 in my car, to control the vents (heat og where the air comes from). I am also going to control my warning lights, my heat in the rear window, fog lights, and some extra lights.

But now i have the buttons in the car. I wanna remove those.
So is it possible to pull a 12 v relay with the digital outs on the board and the have the button wires in and out of the normally open contacts on the relay??

Or how should i do it?

Its the panel which i have cirkled here:

Thats what i am going to remove (and replace with a LCD panel.)

quote]So is it possible to pull a 12 v relay with the digital outs on the board … [/quote]Yes it is. The relay coil current should be max 100mA (coil resistance 120 ohms or more).
Here a circuit diagram how to connect the relay to the digital outputs of the card:

Je suis d’accord avec le schéma de principe, attention au moteur DC au démarrage il risque de dépasser l’intensité maximal admissible par la puce de sortie de la K8055 ! passes par un relais ou mieux un transistor de puissance.
Pour tous composants continu il vivement recommandé de placer une diode de roue libre en oposition de polarité, pour éviter les effets d’arc electrique lors de l’ouverture de ce composant !

Hello, I’m agree with the design concept, be carful to the DC motor ! when it start it may exceed the current maximum allowable by the chip out of the K8055! use a relay or better a power transistor.
For all components continuously urged it to put a diode in oposal polarity, to avoid the effects of electric arc during the opening of this component!

best regards. @dn