I’m very sure I followed all the instructions.
I measured the speaker and it reads 9.4 ohms, so it shouldn’t be a speaker problems. Also when I read from the battery to the speaker I read 8,3 V on both pins of the speaker, so there is voltage going to it.
I had two problems when I soldered it together, maybe these have to do with it not working properly.
The first was that the small metal ring around the hole for the cathode of the zener diode lifted off, but as it is in series with the R1 resistor I just soldered the diodes cathode to the resistor.
The second problem was that the connections of the dip switch are so close that some tin ran between two of the holes and I had to scrape it off.
Most likely an assembly problem.
As a pad came off, poor soldering is most likely at cause.
If you can link to hi-res and sharp pictures of both component en solderside, we can take a look at your assembly.
Apparently the IC is not getting power.
Take a look at the schematic diagram an follow the tracks. Check for continuity along the way.
Pay attention to the zener diode.
If this does not help, I’m afraid there is nothing more I can do.
In that case, please mail us your kit for inspection/repair.