[quote=“MostlyHarmless”]That should work. As you figured, the K8055 can act as a 100mA switching dry contact. In electronics the type of circuit presented by the digital outputs of the K8055 is called “open collector” and is usually placed between the load and ground.
Thank you for taking the time to explain this. I always like to learn things about other fields.
Let me see if I understood the whole plan. In order to do that I’m going to try to write a mini-functional-specification for one single channel in list form. I’m a software engineer by day and this is the easiest way for me to get a complete picture.
[ul][li]The audio console has an input that when connected to GND turns the channel off. One DO of the K8055 will connect that input to GND for 500ms to trigger the OFF action.[/li]
[li]The audio console has an input that when connected to GND turns the “ready light” on. A second DO of the K8055 will connect that input to GND to turn the light ON.[/li]
[li]Using these two DOs the software controlling the K8055 will trigger the OFF action and at the same time start a blinking action on the “ready light”.[/li]
[li]After some time (10 sec) of blinking, the software will leave the light ON.[/li][/ul]
So far so good or correct me if I misunderstood. What I am missing here is how the K8055 controlling software knows when to turn that “ready light” back off. My intuition tells me that that should happen when the operator pushes that button, which turns the audio channel ON again. This would require some sort of signal from the audio console to the K8055 when that button is pushed. Is there anything that could be used with the digital inputs? Either an output signaling that the button is currently pressed, or maybe something that indicates that the channel is currently active.
Jan, you are spot on and NO you aren’t missing anything in the implementation. I just didn’t dive that far into it with the above post. Since you asked… the console itself doesn’t make a simple “dry” contact closure. Simple 12vdc relays connected to the appropriate point of the channel logic circuit are used to achieve a contact closure. That said, when the DJ presses the ON button, it causes the relay to make a contact closure (the console logic can send a momentary pulse or a constant closure to the relay while the ON button is active). The relays for the four playback channels will connect to DI 1, 2, 3 & 4 of the K8055. Since the DO 1 - 4 closures will be momentary for turning the channels OFF via the K8055, and the flashing of the off button will be on DO 5- 8, then when any of the four DI’s go active from pressing the ON button everything should work LOL. I hope.
On a related note, thanks for letting me know you’re a software engineer… I have just engaged a friend who also does software to help me develop some broadcast automation software. We may need to call on your expertise for integrating the K8055 code into the program, if that is ok with you. Right now, all I am doing is testing my theory with the manual input buttons and the K8055 demo app to turn the channels off and blink the lights…
If you’re curious about what I’m doing, “google” broadcast automation software. This will give you insight into this particular software marketplace. Several different variations to do the same thing, which is play music to listeners LOL. You can also search for PR&E Radiomixer console to see the console I’m working with.
Again, thanks for your feedback on this topic. Much appreciated.