Calibrating Y axes

My K8200 is working verry well. but for a test run i have draw a block with the dimensions X 50 mm, Y 50 mm and Z 5 mm.
Thze results of the product are: a block with teh folowing dimensions X 50 mm, [color=#FF0000]Y 53.8 mm[/color] and Z 5 mm.
Where can i make a calibration?

Hi, thats likely to be play in the Y axis belt, lets the bed overshoot slightly (1.9mm at each end in your case). The Y axis is not the easyest to tension, I use the clothes peg clip, it works well.

that is not the problem. every step in Y direction is to large so i must change the step rate and i think it should be changed in the Marlin software bur where??

In ‘configuration.h’.

[code]// default settings

#define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {64.25,64.25,2560,600}
{X axis, Y axis, Z axis, E axis). If you havent changed anything from standard 64.25 is correct.

While your in ‘configuration.h’ uncomment


Then you can adjust the settings from Repetier.
‘Config’ -> ‘Marlin Firmware EEPROM Settings’.

Then save & reflash the firmware.

Just to check - print an object 100mm on the Y axis - if it comes out 107.6mm then your steps are incorrect and need changing - if it comes out 103.8mm then it’s play and adjusing the steps will give you lots of problems, like holes to small.

Check that the belt teeth are actually engaging the pulley properly. If the belt is ‘riding high’ on the teeth it increases the pitch circle diameter and the distance moved.

We even seen an example where a GT2 belt was supplied and was just sitting on top of the pulley teeth.

Thaks Barnabybear,
In my case the Y axis is 7.6 % to large.
Its it right that the new value for Y axis = 64.25 / 107.6 x 100 = 59.72 ??

Hi, yes.

[64.25 (current steps per mm) / 53.8 (mm,actual size of object)] x 50.0 (mm, required size of object) = 59.71 steps per mm.

I think, i have find the mistake.
The teeth of the pully on the Y axis hase a different distance as the teeth on the belt and run on the top of the teeth.
I wil ask Velleman to send me the right pully.

[quote]I think, i have find the mistake.
The teeth of the pully on the Y axis hase a different distance as the teeth on the belt and run on the top of the teeth.
I wil ask Velleman to send me the right pully.[/quote]

Thats the second time this has happened. See this post

Well surprise, surprise.

See my post further up.