Calibrate HPS 140i

Hi, is it possible to adjust the voltage-showing on my HPS 140 through one of the holes in the metal sheet on the backsite of instrument PBC.
Thank you in advance, Mads

Unfortunately, the HPS140 is calibrated at the factory, using custom made hardware.
Perform the calibration yourself is almost impossible.
Why do you think it needs calibration?

HPS140 is a very nice unit but mine also may need calibration.
Gain and timing appear to be good.

The voltage reading (on 2V/div scale with 1X probe) is offset by about +0.2V
It indicates 3.47V when my VOM (a recently calibrated Agilent U1252B) indicates 3.29V.

Vllmn Aglnt
1.12 1.29
3.08 3.27
6.21 6.47
and so on.

Similar error appears on the 4V/div scale.
The other scales appear to be accurate to within a few mV.
Perhaps this is quantization error?

A 5.4% error when measuring 3.29V on 2V/div is actually rather good.
Make sure to set V/div as low as possible to make optimum use of the 8-bit vertical resolution when performing measurements.