Need Velleman support to take further action.
I have run succsessfully with my K8400 for 13 months until yesterday when I received a breakdown.
I started a print but after about 1minute it started to make feeding noice like when you have a clogged nozzle. I immediately stopped the print and looked for failure.
I guessed it was a clogged nozzle but when I disassembled I could not find the usual sympthom.
Then I tried to heat up the nozzle for cleaning but there was no heating on right side.
Left side works OK.
Then I noticed burn marks on the fourth pin (please see enclosed pict.) which is the heater for right side.
I have checked:
the resistance in the heater element on both right and left side and it is the same so must be ok.
Unplugged cables and measured if there is connection between green connectors and pins on the white connector on the extruder board and it looks ok.
Measured the cable from the extruder board to the mainboard and it seams like there is only sometimes contact so I suspect a broken cable.
Checked the mainboard visually and there is no burn marks.
Tried again several times to heat up right side but without succsess.
Left side still works ok without problem.
What is your suggestion for my next coming action?
Can you send a new cable for me, unless I have to cut the connection plug and solder the connections and I guess that is changing the warranty if there still is any?