Buildvolume only 180 x 180 mm?

Hi there,

i did a test with a rectangular shape 180 x 200 with one Nozzle.
The printed size was 180 x 180 mm?
When using scale to maximum button in repetierhost the size is 18xmm x 20xmm.
Can someone tell me what i am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance


If I have understood you correctly then I think you are forgetting that the two nozzles are on the same y axis but separated on the x axis, i.e., they are apart by I think 27.3mm. So nozzle one can go to the extreme right, looking from the front but can’t go to the extreme left. In the same way nozzle 2 can go the extreme left but not to the extreme right. Therefore while the y travel is not effected by which nozzle you use the x axis is and it is reduced by the corresponding separation of the nozzles.


i had the same problem, i wanted to print a main board cover/cooling duct but it was to large.
after searching i changed some settings in the firmware and now i can print 215 mm long.
You can make it even longer, but watch out for your pulleys and printhead, test it first in repetier manual mode.

Was just wondering if the buildplate was used to it’s potential when i was printing a screwbox and got a strange bounce behavior on the print. Thx Alex for the awnser and solution and i didnt even havet to ask or dig into it to much :wink:

// Marlark


thank you Alexander, this could be usefull for some prints.