Build plate sags in one corner

I’ve had my printer up and running for a few days and generally my prints are coming out pretty well after some fine tuning and experimenting with settings. However I have one problem which is that one corner of my build platform is lower than the others.

I have calibrated the bed adjustment points to a 0.2mm distance from the print head using a feeler gauge, and if I move the print head to the front left position it is still sitting at 0.2mm, but at the front right corner it is way out at 0.5mm. I’ve checked and there are no air bubbles in the buildtak, so it looks like the aluminium plate is slightly bent. This doesn’t seem to be the problem others have encountered with the clips causing slight curvature of the glass since it only happens in one corner.

Does anyone have any good suggestions for a way to straighten it, or would I be better off trying to put a thin shim in the bent corner between the aluminium plate and the glass?

What happens if you rotate the glass plate 90 or 180° around the Z-axis ?
Is the sag still in the same corner ?

Hi snic!

My printer was delivered with a slightly warped aluminium plate, maybe just like yours? Guess it’s hard to achive that kind of precision actually needed with stamped aluminium. Tenths of millimeters do matter. And glass, being an amorphous solid, will give way to the shape of the alu.

It easily fixable though. Use a precision but blunt instrument, not hard enough to break the alu and not soft enough to give way for the considerable force you are about to apply on the plate. Preferably with a sensor of sorts telling you when enough force is applied. I used my knee. Press down the plate as much as needed in the right spot. Check if it’s gotten less warped, easiest with the nice glass plate lying freely on a desk or something. Worked like a charm for me, printing all over the place. Need to see a knee doctor though.

Happy printing!

Thanks for the suggestions, I’ll do some further checking this weekend and see if I can bend it into shape. I was just worried that I would be more likely to make it worse than better since apart from the one corner it’s actually pretty flat.

Thank you I received the replacement build plate today and it’s much flatter than the original one :slight_smile: