Borland Turbo Pascal 7 (for DOS; under VISTA) with K8061 DLL

I really like using Borland’s Turbo Pascal version 7.0 . I want to use velleman’s Extended USB K8061 kit along with its DLL […<=== dynamic link library…]. QUESTION: can I use the Dynamic Link Library (…for the K8061 velleman kit…) in conjunction with Borland’s Turbo Pascal 7.0 […<== for DOS !..] ? Will the two environments […i.e. Turbo 7.0 AND the DLL for the K8061…] work together ? What must be done to GET the two environments to work together ? {…NOTE: I intend to use a VISTA operating system whilst doing my Turbo Pascal 7.0 programming in VISTA’s DOS-screen environment. …}

Can you access functions in external DLLs from Turbo Pascal 7 ?

If it is impossible to use DLLs with TP7 (I don’t know), you could change to FreePascal at
instead, which is code compatible and should be able to use DLLs as there is a lot of Delphi stuff implemented.

Turbo Pascal 7 is 16-bit and can only load 16-bit DLL’s (from the days of Windows 3.11). All Velleman DLL’s are 32-bit, so you have no possibility at all to make it work (unless you start using a more modern version of Turbo Pascal).