Big datafiles at longtime record

Hello there,

i use an old PCS64i in the transient-mode to collect data. The data i got form the last 10 hours are really big (90 MB).
There are over 6 million values in there. Is there the possibility to set the time step down? For one value per second…?
How can this work with a recording time over weeks?

Regards Tobias

Select the TIME/DIV setting 100s.
Then there will be saved one value per second to the data file.

Ah okay I see… So if I want to record values over weeks I have to go further up with the TIME / DIV to 1000 to get small files…
It is hard to handle / analyse files with 6 million lines.

Thanks for your fast help.

[quote]So if I want to record values over weeks I have to go further up with the TIME / DIV to 1000 to get small files…[/quote]Yes, this is the right way to reduce the file size.