Best simple and fast improvement for the K8200

I use one similar to that one.
It seems to help.
But I like this design.

On my machine, I noticed that the supplied coupler was eccentric. I fixed this by redrilling and taking up the slack with paper. A flexible coupler would be an improvement.

Absolutely! I also inverted the PCB and intend to add more insulation under the bed. Currently, if I touch the aluminium bed mount it feels warmer than I think it should (and this at only 60 deg C).

Yes. Way less heat up time. With the existing set-up, trying to get to 80 deg C, the temperature curve is almost flat.

Haven’t looked at this yet but I’m sorely tempted.

Also, check your toothed pulleys that they run true and not eccentric.

I spent only 40 cents to improve the printing of my K8200 a lot.

I bought 2 rings. Inner diameter 8mm, outer diameter 12mm and 5mm thick.

I mounted these 2 rings on the hobbed bolt and left only 3.5mm space between them

right in the middle where the fillament should run along.

This way the fillament was forced to run in a straight line down to the heater.

Now there is no Z wobbling at all.

And I am still using the original Z drive.

I noticed when I had to exchange all 3 bearings in the extruder that at least one bearing

must have goten to much heat. It was almost broken and dark brown.

So I figured that the heat from the fillament heater goes up to the extruder drive and bents the

fillament witch leads to an uneven extrusion.

Since one week my printer runs pefectly.