Best power supply for K8067 temperature sensor on K8055

I see that there is a lot a fluctuations when a measure my temperature. K8067 on K8055
Now I use:
or i can use :
velbus : VMB3PS with VMBTR1 (
or i can use :
K7203 (
or i saw that there’s a new range of power supply’s
PSIN02512 : (

  1. What should be the best power supply to use?

  2. Is it required that both kits are connected to the same Power supply?

  3. is there a maximum distance between K8067 and K8055. I’ve got max 5meters. Is this perhaps the cause?


For best results, do not use a switch-mode PSU.
As this is a current loop sensor, distance is not important, if it is within reasonable limits.
K8055 does not require power supply.