Dear all,
I just finished the upgrade from stock extruders to E3D V6.
I made some adjustments to S3D (0,4mm nozzles, retraction mm, etc)
When I was printing with the stock extruders with PLA, it was sticky like hell.
On 60C with 185C for the PLA, everything was fine. Adding some PRITT Glue to the glass on my heated bed, it was brilliant.
And now, with the E3D V6, nothing runs as known.
The Skirt/brim does not stick on the glue.
The PLA object itself is not really sticky
The data are ([color=#FF0000]original data in brackets[/color]):
0,4mm nozzle color=#FF0000[/color]
nozzle height 0,2mm
first layer 80%, 100% width, 50% speed
layerhight 0.21mm
Temp: 200C color=#FF0000[/color]
Bed: 60C
So it is a total mess at the moment.
You guys with E3DV6 have any hints for me.
Thanks in advance