Auto home problem with z-axis

I have a K8400 and after my first 8 prints the auto home gives problems. The platform (z-axiz) is not going up to its start position. When I run the auto home option the X and Y axis go to their start position but the Z axis goes down about 10 mm. After a several attemps the platform is in its lowest position and now the Z motor is making a load noise.
I use the reset button to stop this.
Is there anyone who can help me how to solve this problem?

You should post this in the Vertex section.
Anyway check the end stop for the Z axis. make sure it’s clean (use a Qtip)
If that doesn’t help reseat all of the connectors for the Z axis.
If that doesn’t help try swapping it with the X or Y axis.

Hello Wrong Way,
It’s my first time using this forum and I don’t know how to put this post in the Vertex section.
I have cleaned the end stop for the Z-axis: no result
I reseat all the connectors without any result.
I have downloaded the newest software M:1.0 V:1.4 Heads:1: no difference
How do you mean swapping with X or Y axis? Only the endstop cables? If yes, I will try it tomorrow my cables are not long enough so I have to undo the cable ties.

Disconnect the end stop for example for the X axis and remove it from the machine now disconnect and remove it from the machine now mount the end stop from the X axis in the Z axis location and the one from the Z axis in the X axis.
Now see if you can home the printer to see if the problem has moved.

You are right! Platform is going up. I cleaned the endstop again and now he is doing fine again.
Thanks for your advise.

I have another question: Is it normal that I have to pull hard at the filament by unloading the filament?

Glad that’s fixed.

I don’t understand the question “Pull Hard”
On the LCD screen there is an unload selection.