i have a Problem with k8098. It is working fine with my amplifier, showing how much power is on the Output in watts.
But when I add another VU meter working in paralel mode to the Analysator my amplifier cuts suddenly off, when making the musik a little bit louder than normal listening level. Both can work fine, when conected allown. But they can not coexist. It is a pitty, because my aim was to trimm
the vu Panel with the help of the Analysator. Even without loudspeaker beeing connected the Problem appears. Both circiuts are working correctly allown but not together. Can anyone help my to find a solution how I can get allong with that Problem. I Need both in paralell mode working
Pleas help
This is a huge guess.
Is it possible there is a ground difference between the 2 units?
Thank you,
I allready had the same idea and changed each inputcable from on pin to the other at the velleman Sound Input but that did not solve the problem.
My vu is tekram p200 BGB 0824 with two driving boards tekram R1210209. The analog vu is really big and called blue lake as Macintosh use them from modutec.
The velleman Analysator is for exact Information and the analog vu is for the good look and for orientation from distance. But they cause trubble in coexistance to my amplifierer not willing to work when musik gets louder. A standby device gives current to both devices when Signal from amplifier comes. I can Switch between 2,4,8 and 16 Ohm due to the two boards that are connected to each analog vu that can Show up to 1600 watts.
Everthing is boxed in a PC cube with a Dimension 20cm x 20cm x and 24cm PC cube. It Looks very nice. I only have this one Problem solve. When I use them allone each of them work fine, but not when both of them are connected in paralel for trimming purpose. That realy makes me unhappy.
Is the amp a ‘bridged amp’, i.e. none of the speaker outputs are ground?
Does the PSU for the amp have a common with the PSU for the VU meter?
The Driver board for the analog Vu has no other connection to the amplifier but to the Speaker Outputs red and black of the amplifier.
The amplifier is not a bridged amplifier, it is baised on a typical Darlington design with typical ground comming from the two 10000uf Elkos from the power stage. It is not possible to bridge it. That would cause sudden death. The Driver board of the vu cube uses the gnd input and highlevel Input pin. The second hightlevel channel is not in use because the second cube not yet beeing finished has as well own boards and will deliver Information about the other channel. I am still preparing mechanicly the other cube for the vu device to fitt exactly. The second cube will take some time to be finished.
The Driver board is prepared to take both 12v ac or 12v dc at the same Pins, but it is getting 11,9v dc from a stable good device providing up to 600mA. That also cares for the 8 leds to illuminate the vu Background.
regards to all of you
sorry, we are puzzled.
If you can provide a link to a clear hookup diagram, then maybe we can take a look and provide some hints.
A picture paints a thousand words…
i do not know how to insert here my photos. But anyway. It is quite simple: I have an amplifier, a K8098 and a typical analog vumeter with driving device that has Input Pins ground and highlevel. Both k8098 and the vu driving device are connected on the outputs of the left channel of the amplifier. When I Switch the amplifier on, the VU is working and show watts as well as the K8098 that show Peak watts. But when I make louder the left channel of the ampliefer with thesedevices working suddenly cuts function. The right channel does not. After 30 minutes the channel is back again. That happens with both channels and even with my second amplifier. They can not coexist without causing amplifier channel to switch off, when musik becomes louder. With musik at a middle level there is no Problem. I tried velleman Setting bridged mode, but that does not solve the Problem. When they work alone velleman on the left side and vu on the other,there is no Problem at all. It just works fine. Everything Points to the fact that k8098 does not work with a amplifier with working vumeter allready existing and causes amplifier to shut down. That is it.
What can I do that the amplifier would work properly?
well I found the solution. It is the design of my amplifiers that is responsible for the Problem. The cirsuit for protection of the amplifier is very sensible. It automaticly shuts down when something seems to be wrong, or if notecing something might be that is not supposted to be. That is all. My subwooferamplifier in contrast to that is harder to take anything what comes to its Outputs and does not care at all, so it seems. It is also a Darlington based amplifierer design but more simple constructed.
Thank you very much !
Happy you have found the cause.
Yes i did, but I hardly can live with that. I will go on trying with my sensitive amplifiers. I wonder about one Information on page 13 in the assembly Manual.
Using it in a car the orange cable should not be connected to the amplifier. It do not use it in a car, but how can the velleman work with only the yellow cable beeing connected to the amplifier ? I do not understand that.
What is more to ponder about is given on page 14 Hint for Stereo Connection. I do not understand how the velleman can correctly show Level results with two 10kohm resistors connected at the Inputs as the Picture in the manual Shows it. That must lead to wrong results because the velleman can not come up with correct results when getting a Signal beeing limited with resistors. So what about the results then shown on the Display? Are they reliable then?
Another questions is what happens when the velleman is overload? My Sub amplifier delivers up to 2 x 1850 Watt Peak given as figures while the graphic stops at 1200 Watt at 2 Ohm. Are these figures still reliable or nonsense then. My DIY Subs are indeed both 1,75 Ohm versions
Please be so Kind and answer to my questions. My Sub amplifier Keeps cool while my others Switch off with that product. that is funny but may be some resistors might help, what do you think ? But what about the results then ? Are they still correct?
Thank you in advance
OK, hereby in brief an answer to your questions:
Page 13: If you use a bridged amp, power supply ground and speaker ground are not at the same level, so you should make sure that you do not connect those together.
Page 14: This is a hint to connect two outputs to one K8098. Of course, having 2 K8098 is better. By adding the resistors, there will be approx. 4% error.
Regarding the overload issue: the voltage at the input of the unit should never exceed 50Vrms (which equals 1250W in 2 ohm)
Thank you,
so page 13 is to understand that the orange cable should in that particular case not be connected to the Speakeroutput but to the ground of the radio or amplifier Chassis. So I understand.
As far as my Problem Switch off problem is concerned I will try to limit the Inputsignal with one or two kohm per velleman cirsuite in order to find out if my sesitive amplifiers then keep on working. That would keep the difference by 1-2 %. may be that helps keep things going.
My last question is. Is it possible to exchange the small Display to a bigger one. If yes, what kind of bigger Display can I take that still meet the other specifications?
I do not know anything about the Pins that the Display itself makes use of. How can I come then to a good result?
Every display has its own way of communicating with a controller and has its typical pinout.
We are not aware of any pin-compatibe devices with larger screen that are controlled in the same way.
Display used is the ATPFF12864WP67 from ArrowTech. Maybe you can find a compatible device.
thank you for the fine comunication. I have found the solution for my Problem. It was not the velleman but my own mistake to be responsable. the Signal Input cables of my added standby-device have been very near to each other at the Connection pins because of the constuction beeing very small and a little bit tricky to connect. There was a very very small part of the cable not sitting were it should be and connected to the other side, that causes the amplifier to shut down when musik became louder. After hours of checking every part of my construction everything is working fine now.
By the way the Audio device is measuring up to 2000 Watt Peak as the figures Show on the Display if the signal keeps under 50V.
I think 50V x 40A = 2000 Watts at two Ohms. That probably might be the reason for that. I have no damage but will be carefully for the future.
If you might offer a new Produkt in the future that can deal up to 2000 watts I would buy two of them. It is a very nice pruduct that realy makes fun.
Thanks for your feedback.