APS230 - "aps230 capture v10.zip"

Bonjour à tous,

Voici mon problème:

Après téléchargement, lorsque j’ouvre le programme en question et que je lance setup.exe, j’obtiens le message:

-Setup cannot find c:…Temp\ARC60\setup.LST. Setup is aborting…

Je suis sous Windows XP.

Quelqu’un peut-il m’aider?

1000 mercis d’avance.


Hello to everybody,

To have more chance of response to my answer, I will translate it…( my taylor is rich but my english is very poor…)

Here is the problem:

After download, when I open this program and click on “setup.exe”, I receive this response of the computer:

-Setup cannot find c:…Temp\ARC60\setup.LST. Setup is aborting…

My computer works with Windows XP.

Is there somebody who is able to help me?

1000 x “Thank you”

Bye bye
